Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Life as I know it.

Things have been looking up lately, in so many different ways. I've been neglecting my blog as of recent simply because of everything going on in my life, but now that I'm here sitting at the desk watching videos of the show last night, I have a little time to catch up with my thoughts and let everything slowly process and fit together.

First of all, Joe and I played a badass show last night. Hands down, we rocked the house. Despite me breaking a string in the 3rd song, Lindsay came through to the rescue and let me play with her guitar for the rest of the show, which I am extremely grateful for. I could definitely tell the difference though in not playing on my own instrument however... it's kind of like when you've been driving your own car for so many years and then all of a sudden you're in an accident and have to drive a rental car and it just feels... weird, you know? It's just not your car, and you can tell. That's kind of how it is with instruments too.. when you grow so accustomed to the feel and sound of your strings and you just kind of know all the sweet spots when you play on the fret board, it's weird to go all of a sudden to something you're not used to. But still, we rocked out the rest of the evening with no hitches, had a ton of friends come out to support our music (we also had a few strangers come out to listen and surprisingly stayed until the end), and ended up talking to a music promoter for SXSW who's interested in having Joe and I play a show on the 18th, right in the middle of South By - she came out and listened to what we played and was really digging the sound we played. In my opinion, Joe and I work great together. The musical chemistry we have is awesome, and I feel so lucky to have found such a great drummer who actually likes my music enough and isn't already taken by another band that's willing to play with me. I'm so content with how my music's been going lately, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for our musical compatibility. I'm pretty sure a lot of good things are headed our way so I can't wait to see what comes of it all.

In other news, a bunch of stuff that's seemingly been super messy in my personal life has actually started to clear up. A lot of stuff's going to come all out in the open this weekend, and I couldn't be happier about it all. For serious. I've got so many awesome people and friends and just genuinely wonderful people in my life that it's hard not to be so happy about everything. And especially because I've found someone who has consistently been making me happy for the past almost month now, and although we've had to be somewhat quiet about things for certain professional reasons, after this weekend we can be as open about things as we want, and I can't wait :) I'm happy, he's happy, everything is falling into place finally, and I'm quite okay with that. Despite all the messiness that I've been dealing with the past several weeks, it's all worth it to have the end result of happiness. Just a few short days away and I'll be stress-free again in one area of my life.

Anyways. I've got a cruise coming up about...8 days, and I'll be headed to Cozumel with one of my best friends in the world. I can't wait. It's going to be so fun, we're going to be drunk the whole time, get really super tan, lay out by the pool every day, and just have a stressless vacation which I'm pretty sure we're both desperately in need of. So. The countdown has officially begun for the cruise and I can't wait to leave Galveston port in just a little over a week... 

I plan on writing more later, but I'm still separating through a lot of my thoughts right now, so until that all unfolds then I'll just post pretty pictures and maybe a few blurbs of how I'm feeling.

I'm happy, it's a beautiful day outside, I've got a smile on my face, a (possible) show for SXSW coming up, AND I'm officially going to France in the summer for a 6 week study abroad program. Life is looking up, and I always forget sometimes that you have to go through a lot of crap and muddle through the hard times before everything starts to turn around. But it's all worth it in the end, because I've realized that you have to go through some bad shit before you know when things get good.
Hope all you pretty babies are having as beautiful week as I've been having. I should be seeing some photos from last night's show here pretty soon so as soon as I see those I'll be posting them on here for anyone and everyone to view. Love love love to you all.


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