Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Roses are red...

Love love love :) These were waiting for me on my bedside desk when I got back to Austin from my cruise.. I couldn't be with a more wonderful boy than with the one I've got now. He makes my heart shake, my moods lift, and means so so much to my life that I couldn't be happier. I think I've found a winner, and ladies, never forget that you deserve only the best. It's taken me so long to realize that, but now I know what it feels like to be treated right. I know what it feels like to be in a good, healthy relationship. And now more than ever I can feel the love all around me - in my heart, my words, my life, the air, the sky, my job, and in every action I partake is everywhere, and I hope it shows.

Cute, cute, cute cute cute. I want all these outfits. Grrrrr.
Just...everyone should watch the video. I'm not sure what to think of it, and it's sooo weird that I almost can't help but watch the whole thing without switching tabs or doing something else because I honestly want to see what she does next in the video. Not gunna lie, it's a damn weird video, but I gotta give her credit for her creative artistic license. Not everyone can pull off doing shit like this and still have people love them for it.